The Archaeological Museum’s Educational and Cultural Centre


The Civic Archaeological Museum’s educational activities are conducted by the Educational and Cultural Centre (Centro Didattico-culturale), which since 1981 has been spreading knowledge of the archaeological heritage of Bergamo and its province, promoting guided tours and educational workshops, themed conferences in the museum halls for adults, and innovative museum education projects aimed at disabled users and foreign students (archaeological and intercultural projects).

On the 14th December 2013 Bergamo Council awarded the Civic Archaeology Museum’s Educational and Cultural Centre a Certificate of Civic Merit for its “thoughtful cultural commitment to the dissemination of Bergamo’s archaeological heritage”.

The Educational Centre also offers various itineraries, in the museum and outside, to discover the Upper Town’s archaeological areas, aimed at different types of visitor, as well as schools of all levels, in Italian and English.

The themes of the guided tours and educational workshops range from prehistory to the Early Medieval period, from ancient Egypt to the Roman era; they are also offered in English to meet the needs of bilingual international schools and schools interested in CLIL projects.

The initiatives and projects implemented over the years have included themed guided tours for Women’s Day, European Heritage Day and International Museum Day, workshops for children at (pre-Lent) Carnival time and during the Christmas holidays, and summer activities consisting of guided tours and workshops. In addition, the Educational Centre has conducted projects for disabled adults in collaboration with the Social Policies Department, and workshops for children under treatment in the paediatric wing of the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital.

The Educational Centre also publishes practical teaching books aimed at children and young people. The most recent are:

  • A spasso per Bergamo romana (A stroll around Roman Bergamo)
  • C’erano una volta Gasindi, Duchi, Gastaldi (Once there were Gasindi, Dukes and Gastalds)
  • Nella provincia di Bergamo al tempo dei Romani (Roman times in the province of Bergamo)
  • Al Museo? Vi portiamo noi! Guida interculturale al Civico Museo Archeologico (Want to visit the Museum? We’ll take you! Intercultural activities at the Civic Archaeology Museum)
  • In viaggio nella preistoria (Travelling through prehistory)

For further information and bookings, contact the Educational Centre office at: